“Leave Work – Stress At work” – Follow these steps

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  • “Leave Work – Stress At work” – Follow these steps

“It easy !!” We know that. Then why are lots of people suffering from work triggered stress?

Sometimes stress from work spills into our lives at home and end up carrying that stress home, spilling nerves everywhere, giving everyone a taste of just how much we are “not in the mood”

Here are some tips to help you leave the work stress at work and easily transition you into a relaxed mode at the close of business.


Develop a Post-Work Ritual: This same technique helps children relax and go to sleep.
Having a post-work ritual makes it easy to unwind after a stressful day of work as it helps one relax and let go of everything after a long day of work. Taking deep cleansing breaths and shaking out one’s limbs to increase circulation, or even talking to a loved one. This might take a bit of time but it definitely works and helps us transition from work mode to a more relaxed time.


Do a proper round off before leaving: This is one of the easiest ways to ease stress after work. This will enable you to be more at peace with leaving open items and acknowledging the need to come back to them the next workday. This can also prepare you mentally before you leave and set the stage for a transition from work to other aspects of life.


Beat or if you cant, enjoy traffic back home: Traffic, especially in urban cities, has been identified as a major source of after-work stress in many people. If you can, leave immediately you close so as to beat traffic, in cases where that is unavoidable, use music, good conversation or a relaxing audiobook to make the ride back less tasking.

And when you get home?


Give yourself a treat: There is absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself if you have snacks or something you love. You deserve it after a long, hard day. These treats called “pleasures” by psychologists, can boost your mood and reduce stress in the process. A treat can be as simple as a cup of tea, your favorite comedy, a long walk with a loved one, a soothing bath, conversation, or anything else that brings you a bit of joy.

It is most important to make your hours away from work count. This will help reduce the chances of creating a build-up of stress and ensure you function at your full capacity every day.



Jane Egerton-Idehen is a telecommunication executive with over 13 years’ experience in the Nigerian, Liberian and Ghanaian telecommunications markets. Jane has a strong passion for promoting girls in STEM and ensuring women in STEM industries remain and grow their careers in that industry. She curates her thoughts around her career journey, experiences and passion in life.