A common desire of every worker or employee is to work in an enabling environment; one that allows him or her to thrive in relevant aspects. There are numerous upsides to creating an enabling environment for your employees; the most important being that it keeps employees engaged and more productive.
While it is true that most companies want their employees engaged and motivated at work, some are not willing to put in the work required due to the general misconception that creating an enabling environment requires heavy funds. Contrary to this view, it does not take much to create an enabling work environment for your employees. Thinking of how to create an enabling workspace? Here are a few top ideas to start you off;
People are more motivated to go the extra length if they believe you are truly committed to their wellbeing, beyond the benefits you gain from them. Employees are not exempted. Every employee wants to know that she is valued and appreciated beyond her work output; that is what she is . This can only be communicated effectively when the management board makes conscious efforts to take notice of the simple events and happenings in their employees’ life, be it work-related or otherwise.

A simple and inexpensive gesture of sending well-wishes cards to employees on their birthday or other special events is a thoughtful way of appreciating your employees. Otherwise, a monthly mini birthday party to celebrate employees birthed in that month is also a great way to make emotional investments in your employees. In addition, merely recognizing workers hard work or even their personal achievements during team meetings is another way of creating an enabling work environment.
Most often, the career growth and training of an employee is considered her personal responsibility, rather than the joint responsibility of the employee and her affiliation. However, to create an enabling environment, companies must commit to their employees’ growth by factoring in periodic training.

As an employer, make out time to find out what your employees consider to be their weaknesses, their strengths; as well as find out what skills they do not have yet but consider relevant to effectively carry out their duties. By identifying training and development areas of their employees, the management can be better equipped to create a growth plan specifically designed for each employee.
Imagine a workplace where there are no set work cultures or specific job descriptions. What does it tell you? Confusion, right? Nothing can be more deterring to an employee’s career growth than confusion in the workplace. Clearly define employees tasks and responsibilities to avoid unnecessary mix-up. Specific job description allows employees to understand the responsibilities and duties that are required and expected of them; which in turn motivates employees to work and exceed these expectations. On the employer’s part, specifying job responsibilities gives the clarity to properly evaluate employee’s job performance and work hand-in-hand with them to increase efficiency and productivity.

For employees to thrive, communication is crucial at all levels of the organization. Asides from the fact that it encourages productivity and higher work output; it also creates a relationship of trust between employees and their employers; such that is needed to successfully run an organization. In addition, it eliminates unnecessary conflicts; empowers employees to resolve conflicts among themselves if they arise; and makes it easier for management to step in when a conflict is too big for staff to resolve on their own.
There are instances in the workspace where conflicts or misconceptions can arise out of seemingly harmless events; even if they are for the greater good. For instance, it is commonplace for employees to feel uncertain about new changes or even cranky about new employees. The fear of an unknown future or that of being relieved of their duties can make anyone react in strange ways, even to the detriment of the organisation.

However, an enabling environment takes care of these issues even before they arise. It encourages team spirit and creates avenue for a positive relationship between employees. This in itself is integral to building a successful team and the organization.
Thinking of hiring new employees or making new changes for the efficient running of your business? First, recognize that your employees may respond negatively to your idea because they see it as a threat. Then, set aside time with your employees to work them through the new changes being made and how those changes affect their work. Asides from the fact that it makes them feel valued and understand that they bring something unique to the table; it also creates room for collaboration and encourages team spirit among employees.
The merits of creating an enabling work environment abound for every organization. With this, it has become pertinent that organizations recognize this; as well as understand their roles in creating this for their employees.
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