As the year winds up with all the merriment, trips, and detty december plans, it is very important for us to be mindful of our health as we celebrate, to keep us all in good shape when the season ends. Here are a few tips that would be very helpful for our health in this season and beyond:
- Home cooking: As the festive season comes with cooking in large quantities both at home and outdoors, let us be mindful of proper hygiene in our cooking. Incorporating hygienic practices as simple as: washing our hands thoroughly before handling food; keeping our food covered to protect it from contamination; and using proper preservation techniques to keep the food from spoilage for shelflife longevity will go a long way in keeping you healthy long after the festive period.

- Events: Food served at social events often contains a lot of calories, thus we should be mindful of this and avoid bingeing when we go for events. It is advisable to eat a little before going out, so that we do not run the risk of overeating food that is high in calories. Proper hygiene must also be observed when we eat out, as it is very easy for us to forget these things in the midst of excitement.
- Stress: Although most people get to take a break from work for the holidays, some people resume work much more tired than they were before. It helps to be selective of the events we attend, to avoid overstressing ourselves and making us unfit for work after the holidays. Make time to rest very well; you need it.
- Covid-19: Although we all wish this pandemic would just go away, unfortunately we still have people getting infected everyday. Remember to follow the preventive measures: frequent hand washing, maintaining physical distance, wearing of nose masks and getting vaccinated. Together, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from getting infected.

- Hydration: The festive season has come with a significant change in weather, especially in the tropics where the weather has become very dry. Hydration is very important in these times. You can try and have a bottle of water with you as you go out, to keep you from getting dehydrated.
- Check –ups: As the year draws to an end, it would also be good to schedule a medical examination with your doctor or dentist. It is a good way to ensure that your health is being well monitored. You can get a check-up done at the beginning of the year, to know your vitals and take the necessary steps to maintain your health.
Although there are a thousand and one tips out there, starting out with these tips means better health for you and your loved ones as well. We wish you a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year!
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