Are you a lady with painful menstrual pains or knows someone who is? Do you find yourself writhing in pains each time it gets to that time of the month? Are you always unable to work or do something productive with yourself during menstruation? If yes, then this article is for you.
It is every lady’s dream to have a pain-free menstrual period. It is enough that you have to battle with the symptoms of menstrual periods such as headache, diarrhoea, mood swing, stomach pain, heavy bleeding among others. Combining these symptoms with a stressful work can be hellish. Yes, I understand because I have been there. Painful periods can interfere with your workflow and even reduce your productivity. In fact, the British Medical Journal published a study which says the menstrual period may be linked to nine days of lost productivity per woman every year.

Your menstrual cycle does not put your work cycle into consideration. Depending on the kind of job you do, you may have to face difficult times at work which can further worsen your menstrual pains and symptoms. Imagine that you have to deal with a stubborn client while your head is really banging hard, or when your male boss keeps shouting at you for your sluggishness. Unfortunately, many women have to deal with these periods while at work. These things happen and there are ways to prevent it. Do you want to know how?
First, you need to accept that menstruation is a normal physiological process and therefore shouldn’t be ashamed of it. It is also normal that you feel uncomfortable during your menstrual period. It is a reminder that you are human. But painful menstrual symptoms that interfere with normal daily activities shouldn’t be taken lightly, as it could be a symptom of an underlying illness. While some people experience pain during the first two days of their period, others do not. This is because people have different body systems.
Menstrual pains is known as Dysmenorrhea. It could be primary or secondary, depending on the cause. The primary dysmenorrhea is caused by hormonal changes in the body. Primary dysmenorrhea occurs before or during the menstruation and it is the most leading cause of absenteeism from work. It is common among adolescents. Symptoms of primary dysmenorrhea include diarrhoea, headache, and lower abdominal pain. While secondary dysmenorrhea is a painful menses resulting from an underlying pelvic disease, such as endometriosis and fibroid.
Now that you know what this pain is called, do you also know you can successfully ease this pain? Here are a few tips to do so;

- Stay hydrated
Dehydration can be the cause of the headache you experience during your menstrual period. Your body needs to get enough water to function properly. Warm water also helps with fluidity and lessens menstrual cramps.
Do you also experience bloating during your menstrual period? Drink enough water to reduce stomach bloating and other associated symptoms. All you have to do is to go to work with bottled water and drink as much as you can. - Enjoy herbal teas
Some teas contain turmeric and ginger. Have a warm cup of ginger tea and thank me later. Ginger and turmeric are natural anti-inflammatory agents. They help ease menstrual pain and also prevent nausea and vomiting. Imagine starting your day with a cup of tea! It is sure going to be a blissful day, I assure you. - Use a heat pad
Heat helps to relax the muscles and improve blood flow. Abdominal heat patches are available at your pharmacy. Just peel and stick it to your abdomen. You may not have the access to a warm shower, but with a heat pad, you are good to go! - Shun sugar cravings and go for juicy fruits
It is normal that your body wants to have a bottle of coke, cakes, and biscuits during your menstrual period. Go for juicy fruits like watermelons, oranges, and pineapples in place of junks. Your body needs all the necessary vitamins and fluid to keep it healthy. - Go for that exercise
Don’t underestimate the power of light stretching or brisk walking to make you feel happy and relaxed. During your lunch break, you can just go for a brisk walk. Aerobic exercise reduces period pain. Scientists have also found that a 30-minute exercise three days a week, for eight weeks, significantly reduces menstrual cramps. So tell me, are you still in doubt? - Slow down
Young lady, I understand you have to meet targets. But remember, stress can also aggravate menstrual pain, and no doubt you can’t function optimally when you are in pain. Take some minutes to relax. If need be, request for some time off work. Remember, health comes before work. - Take a pain reliever
Pain relievers like Ibuprofen and aspirin are effective for menstrual pain. They work like magic. You can keep the pain reliever in your bag before leaving for work. You won’t have to stress yourself and they work faster.
It’s important that you visit your physician if you continue to have persistent menstrual pains after trying these simple interventions.
Have you tried any of the above strategies? Which works for you and which doesn’t? Let’s talk in the comment section. As you do that, don’t forget to like and share this post. You never know who needs it in your contact!
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