6 Tips to help you better manage your home and career

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Juggling a career and home chores is a major task for many mothers. With more women becoming interested in joining the workforce in the world, more women are increasingly finding it difficult to properly manage their home and career.

The secret to winning on both fronts is to have a plan and organize one’s time so well that neither your career or family suffer unduly. See below for some tips to help you achieve your work-life goals and better help you manage your work and career.


1. Have a calendar of activities for every week:
Having a calendar will help you prioritize properly, your family and career needs. This calendar may include chores for the kids, a list of activities surrounding the school and home activities. This calendar also ensures you are able to fit your family’s schedule into your working week and helps you plan ahead in case you have to leave work suddenly.

Google calendars can be easily shared and synced on smartphones, because “they are color-coded and get superimposed on each other, so you can always be on top of scheduling challenges.”

Also, staying organized is about having a clean environment. Carving out dedicated spots where important papers and documents are placed, along with keys, chargers, batteries and petty cash. will save time and improve efficiency in your home.


2. Get High-Quality Childcare
It is also important to have the best kind of nanny or babysitter to help hold down the forte when you are not around.
Ask friends and family for references to nannies, babysitters, and daycare centers and be sure of their origins before employing them to watch your kids.
Create a list of criteria that are important and then schedule time to interview qualified childcare providers or to tour local daycares. It is highly recommended to only hire nannies with a history of long-term commitments to families. This shows they have excellent experience and are adaptable to various age groups, caring for newborns and older children who need homework help.

Also, if you live in a secluded environment it is important to get a paid playdate. This playdate (typically two to four hours) allows the family to evaluate how the nanny interacts with the child in a less formal setting.”
A good childcare provider should have extensive experience, excellent references, and a record to prove it. A good daycare facility should have flexible hours, a low teacher-to-student ratio, outdoor space, up-to-date licenses, and employees who have had their backgrounds checked.


3. Communicate with Your Employer
Speaking with your employer or the HR should be done after a clear detailing of what you’d need is made. This involves “researching whether other employees have flexible arrangements and using this information to your advantage.
Always be prepared to present alternative solutions, such as a trial period of your projected work schedule so you can show how your family schedule won’t affect your productivity.


4 Start Early
Avoid starting the day on a frazzled note by getting organized the night before. Pack the kids’ lunches, lay out their clothes (plus your own), and have everyone shower. “You should also decide what to make for breakfast, and repack the diaper bag, backpacks, purses, or work bags to be placed by the door, right next to your keys, so you can grab them and lock up on your way out,” suggests Amanda Wiss, the founder of Urban Clarity, a Brooklyn-based organizing service. Look over the next day’s to-do list and divide the schedule, determining which parent gets the kids dressed, buys necessary groceries, and cooks the meals. This is also a good time to discuss any changes to the family schedule. Knowing that a lot of the mundane tasks are completed will allow you to spend a few minutes eating breakfast with the kids without rushing out of the house.


5. Let Go of the Guilt
Rather than dwell on how you’re not with your child, think about how your role in the company is benefitting the family. Perhaps you can afford certain classes or educational opportunities for your children or you’re able to put away savings for college. “The most successful career moms have found ways to be efficient in both worlds—and that requires being able to come to terms with choices and focus on the priorities that are in the moment,” says Lisa Pierson Weinberger, a lawyer and the founder of the law practice Mom, Esq. Accept that there will be good and bad days. Mothers should know they are not alone and they should discuss their feelings with partners or support groups. Local mom blogs, such as Working Moms Against Guilt, are a great way to reach out to others trying to find the same work-home balance.


6. Create Special Family Activities
Making time for your kids is crucial, both during the week and on the weekends, to nurture your family dynamic and allow everyone to bond. If you’re pressed for time, have a family breakfast or a family night with board games or movies. “Create activities that regularly fit into your schedule so everyone knows what to expect and what to look forward to,” Wiss suggests. When you do have family outings, avoid talking about work or checking your phone. Instead, focus on your kids’ interests such as friends, classes, and hobbies. With older children, ask for their activity suggestions and try to meet their needs. In the end, it doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you do it together.

Read original article here.    

Also, you can read a similar article  on work-life balance here



Jane Egerton-Idehen is a telecommunication executive with over 13 years’ experience in the Nigerian, Liberian and Ghanaian telecommunications markets. Jane has a strong passion for promoting girls in STEM and ensuring women in STEM industries remain and grow their careers in that industry. She curates her thoughts around her career journey, experiences and passion in life.