A few short days ago, we bade 2020 goodbye and watched the dawn herald 2021. If there is one thing 2020 taught us, it is to be always prepared for the numerous challenges that life may throw at us. While we have entered 2021 with a lot of fear, uncertainties and baggage accumulated from 2020, it is wise to recognize that this new year is an opportunity to correct the past mistakes and start on a fresh page.
One significant way we can do this is to make the necessary resolutions for the New year. The importance of setting New year’s resolution lies in the opportunity it gives for one to change undesired traits, accomplish personal goals and generally improve your life within the year. With this many merits, it is time to set your new year resolution if you are yet to set them. Here are a few great ideas you can consider;

1 EAT AND DRINK HEALTHILY – Health is wealth, they say. If you are planning to have a more fulfilling and productive year, then start by planning your diets and sticking to them. Let go of alcohol, smoking, and other unhealthy eating and drinking habits. You will not only live longer, but also happier.

2 MAKE INVESTMENT PLANS – Your financial life is central to achieving your goals for the year. As the year commences, take the time to sit and make wise investment plans. Allocate a part of your monthly earnings to investing wisely.

3 HAVE A FINANCIAL BUDGET – Determine within yourself that the era of unnecessary and spontaneous spending is over for you. Have a monthly budget of the expenses you intend to make and stick to it.

4 READ MORE BOOKS – Knowledge, as we know it, is power. Be intentional about your growth this year by reading more enlightening books. You’d be amazed at the extent of your growth by the end of the year.

5 KEEP AN UPDATED JOURNAL – Most times, people neglect the importance of keeping a journal, especially an updated one. Start the year on a good footing by committing to keeping one. Record your plans, successes, and failures within this journal. This will keep you more accountable to your goals and give you a better opportunity to identify what works and doesn’t work on your journey to success.

6 LEARN A NEW SKILL – What is life without growth? As a student, employee, or even an entrepreneur, there are numerous skills you need in your career. In reality, you probably don’t have all the skills yet. Plan to learn a new skill within this year or improve on an already existing skill.

7 EXERCISE MORE OFTEN – Diet is only but a part of staying healthy. Exercise is another integral part. Get a gym membership or commit to exercising often with your partner, friend, or family.

8 DON’T PROCRASTINATE – Perhaps, the most crucial New year resolution you can make is to let go of procrastination. Want to start up something? Start it NOW! Want to work on a goal? Do it NOW! Why leave for tomorrow what you can do today? Get a head start on your New year.

9 SPEND MORE TIME WITH LOVED ONES – Yes, you have all these goals and plans and there doesn’t seem to be any extra time to accommodate your family and loved ones. Well, create time! Make more memories with them. Live, love, and laugh happily.

10 SEEK HELP WHEN NECESSARY – No man is an island and there is no superwoman alive. When tasks and things get really tough for you to handle, seek help unashamedly. Delegate more chores to your family, employees etcetera. This will allow you to focus on more important things.

11 DON’T PILE UP WORK – This seems like a no-brainer, yet a lot of us find ourselves repeating this mistake again and again. This year, you see that email you opened and read, go ahead and reply to it immediately. Don’t wait to come back to it later. That proposal you are meant to write and submit, don’t keep procrastinating till a day or two to the deadline. Start and finish it now rather than later.

12 EXPLORE NEW HOBBIES – What is life without a little bit of excitement thrown into the mix? Dull, right? Resolve not to lead a dull life this year. Write down one hobby that you would like to learn and actually work at it.

13 VOLUNTEER – In the spirit of community service, aim to do at least one thing for humanity this year. Volunteer for a cause that resonates with you. Indeed, you may not have the time, but it is also true that you can create the time to volunteer at least once this year.

14 SLEEP WELL – Many studies have shown the linkage between sleeping hours and mental well-being and productivity. If you are the sort to stay up late at night and yet wake up very early, commit to going to bed earlier than you did last year. Your body and health will thank you later.

15 PLAN A VACATION – It’s a new year and we need exciting things to look forward to. If you can help it, plan to have a vacation with your family/loved ones later in the year and start saving up for it now!
Read Also: A Different Approach To New Year Resolutions