Have you thought about your vision for the next decade or 2020? Vision is a word we all know about, yet find hard to relate with. For most persons, setting a vision is not just a herculean task, but a most detested chore because of the can of fears and doubts it opens up.
It seemed just like yesterday that we entered the New Year 2020. Lo and behold, fifteen days is already gone and never to come back. Just like the past few days, the next days, weeks and months are going to fly by and before one realizes it, we would be entering another new year.
Like the next person, I began to wonder; what would I have achieved by the end of the year? A lot? A few? Would I be stagnant? Or worse, depreciated in value beyond recognition? But no, I plan to be bigger and better this year. What better way to ensure this than to set my vision!
The Cambridge English Dictionary defines vision as an idea or mental image of something; the ability to imagine how a country, society, industry etcetera could develop in the future and to plan for this.
Vision means different things for different people. Thoreau, a man who delighted in his imagination, made reference to vision when he wrote, “Dreams are the touchstones of our characters”. Stefan James, an internet entrepreneur, life and business coach, affirms that “A vision is meant to inspire and move you. The clearer you are about your vision, the greater the impact you will have in the world”. Royale Scuderi, a creative strategist, consultant and writer argues that “A vision of where or who you want to be is one’s greatest asset”. Misty Kearns, CEO of Me, explains that “A vision is the image of one’s ideal life; that it represents all the things and people who mean the most to you”. For me, a vision is a legacy to build; a standard to always abide by, and a yardstick to measure one’s successes and failures.
- A vision statement is not a mission statement – Contrary to what many think, a vision is different from a mission statement. A vision is a journey into the future and a description of images hoped to achieve. On the other hand, a mission describes the present circumstance of a person and the current state of things.
- A vision is not a long or short term goal – People most times confuse a vision for a long or short term goals. However, there is a distinct line of difference between them. A vision allows you the freedom to create a bigger picture for your future and life; of legacies, you want to build; relationships you aim to develop, and the experiences and achievements you aim to accomplish. Goals, on the other hand, are aspirations, ambitions, purpose or target that one set for him/herself to meet within a particular time frame (5-10years). Your vision helps define the goals by giving you a framework to evaluate those goals and are attainable pieces of your vision.
- A vision is not set in stone – “Change is constant”, they say. Even a vision is not exempted from this change. So while setting your vision, do not be so rigid. Understand that your vision may need to be tweaked from time to time, either because the current vision has been achieved or because circumstances dictate such.
Like any sane person, you might wonder why you need to set a vision. Well, here are a couple of reasons why setting a vision should be the next best thing after ice-cream for you;
- Having a vision motivates you to pursue your goals daily because it is your “why”.
- Having a vision permits you to explore your passion and maximize your talents.
- Having a vision allows you to give back to the world; to move from the realms of self-centredness by seeking for the betterment of others.
- Setting a vision unlocks the real you because it ensures you embark on a journey of self-discovery.
- Having a vision allows you to be creative and to envision a greater and brighter picture of your future.
- SELF-DISCOVERY – The first step to setting your vision is to discover yourself. Your passions, habits, strengths and weaknesses have to be taken in cognizance. The best way to figure out is by silent introspection away from everyone else. Ultimately, answering the questions below can guide you in discovering yourself;
What are my strengths?
What are my weaknesses?
What do I really love doing? What am I passionate about?
If I had no fears and/or obstacles, what would I love my future to look like?
What skills and qualities would I like to develop?
What really matters to you in life? What is your topmost priority?
What are the values you most hold dear to your heart?
What legacy do you want to be known for? - DRAFT YOUR VISION STATEMENT – Having discovered yourself, it is time to draft your vision statement. While drafting, be flexible yet detailed and articulate enough. Like Oprah Winfrey said, “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe“. It is always advisable to write in the first person because it makes you more proactive and accountable to your vision. Do not limit yourself by either counting the number of words or by entertaining fear and doubts. You are 90% more likely to achieve a vision that you have written down than if you never wrote it down. The reason is that writing it down lends more credence, power and commitment and permits a renewable reinforcement of your goals.
- EDIT/REVIEW YOUR VISION STATEMENT -Having developed your first draft of your written perspective about your future, take some time off and reread again and again. Do not be in a haste. Does it align with my core values and life goals? Do I feel excited and motivated just by reading it? Does it flash those same pictures I had in mind while writing it? The answer to these questions will tell you whether you are on the right track or not.
- ASSEMBLING YOUR FINAL VISION STATEMENT – You have finally developed a vision statement that you think resonates with the core of your being – Bravo! Now it is time to give it the last push by assembling it in your chosen format. Some of the options available that you could consider include;
- Creating a vision board where visual images of the life that desire to live.
- Printing, laminating and hanging/pasting it around your house (preferably on your mirror or any spot where you can’t miss it) or office.
- Printing and framing a copy or two to put in your study at home or in your office.
- Written down in your daily diary or journal which you use frequently.
- Typed and stored on your smartphone or laptop with reminders set to periodically show the vision as a slideshow on your screen.
The trick is to see it every day; to have it ingrained in your memory to such extent that you never forget it. Speak it out aloud each day with renewed confidence and determination.
Setting a vision doesn’t end after assembling it. You have to keep it alive and breathing. What better way to do this than to;
- Track your progress – Yes, you have to ensure each day that by your actions, you are a step closer to achieving your vision.
- Ask and receive feedback – Every business would thrive if it asks, receives and implements the feedback gotten from their major clientele base. Your vision is not exempted, so always seek for feedbacks.
- Get a mentor – Life without a suitable mentor is like a totally dark tunnel with so many turns. You never know when you are going to bump into a wall and come out bruised. Mentors are there to guide you through the intricate turns off the dark tunnel.
- Get an accountability partner – A saying has it that “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to go far, walk with a friend”. This is true for your vision statement. An accountability partner would ensure you do not slack or tire easily.
- Review again and again – Your vision statement can change with time and season. However frequent the changes occur, ensure they remain relevant to your core person.
- Set new visions – When current visions have been achieved, take a journey of self-discovery and set new ones. Visions exist to push us beyond our comfort zone, so dream big.
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