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There has been an unprecedented loss of jobs all over the world. The following strategies, if implemented, can help you stand out from the pack as many other professionals will be vying for the same position as you are.

Update Your Soft Skillset

Your soft skillset is the engine room of your work life. It determines how well you are able to navigate your career path and climb higher up the career ladder. In short, your soft skillset enables you to perform optimally and land those job positions you’ve always had your eye on.

It is no wonder employers are on the lookout for employees with an exceptional skillset especially in a time such as this. The pandemic has given rise to some set of essential soft skills that employers are on the lookout for in potential clients. One such skill is ‘resilience’.

Employers desire candidates that have the stamina to rise above challenges quickly and effectively too. Nobody knows how this pandemic will pan out in the future. Nobody knows if there will be other pandemics as well. But it is better to stay ready than not. What other way can organizations stay ready than hiring people and talents who have the ability to weather the storm? Other soft skills to build according to a LinkedIn report include adaptability, critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.


Update Your Digital SkillSet

The pandemic has fueled the move of organizations to digital platforms. As such, we see that there is and will continue to be an increase in the demand for skills that are needed in the digital space. Workplace dynamics, as we know it, has changed forever. There is going to be a mix of virtual work and onsite work. So, you have to be up to it wherever it is your job takes you. For example, organizations that had employees with data literacy skills before or at the start of the pandemic would have been able to measure the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses. Not only that, but they would also have been able to develop products and services that will serve the need that arises because of the crises. Imagine if you were that employee or part of the team solving this problem. You will be indispensable.

Optimize your LinkedIn Profile and Presence

A woman sitting on a chair and working with a laptop on the table

We are all aware that LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform in the world. It consists of over six hundred million plus professionals. That is twice the population of one of the continents in the world. That being said, we still find that lots of professionals are not optimizing their LinkedIn profile, neither are they showcasing their professional skills. There have been lots of webinars and masterclasses on optimizing your LinkedIn for career advancement.

One of the recurrent conversations on such platforms is that many career and business professionals are afraid to show up. They hold on to the fear of being seen. They believe they are lacking in knowledge or experience in their area of expertise. But, a top career expert has advised that you should start from where you are and with what you have. This is because the people whom you see as experts in their own field are also on the journey of becoming. No one has it all figured out.

Start becoming visible on LinkedIn by contributing or curating tips around your area of expertise.  Also, employ the use of strategic commenting. Express your thoughts and opinions on other professional’s posts on LinkedIn. This can well position you for your next job opportunity. Such was the case of a LinkedIn user recently.

Research has it that top decision-makers and executives spend their spare time scrolling through LinkedIn for valuable content to feed on. Your consistency in publishing your contents provides a strategic way of increasing your visibility.  

Also, use keywords that are relevant to your skills and the job roles you are aspiring to on your career summary space. This helps you rank high in searches when employers look for people who have the kind of skillset that you possess.

Continue Networking Online

Many career experts have established that lots of job roles are filled through referrals. These referrals are from people in your network. As such, do not wait for the resumption of physical activities before you keep up with your networking activities. Continue your networking efforts online. To make this effective, consider revamping your digital footprint. People will want to check you out before they accept to connect with you. Your profiles on various social media handles and your websites are like a shop that showcases the goods that you have. When people visit your shop (in this case, platforms) that houses your profiles, will they find what will make them want to connect with you? Clean up your feed to present yourself in the best possible light.

I wish you success and favor in your efforts to get the job of your dreams. Cheers to your success!

Read Also: Ten Good Things That Came From the Pandemics