For most people, having a 9-5 pm job, a family/kids to care for, chores to do and parties during the weekends doesn’t leave much time for boredom to creep in. But all these flies out the window upon waking up one day. No 9-5 pm job again! No more schooling! No more parties! No more golfing! No more shopping! And in fact, no more outdoor activities again.
And what do we have in place of it? A pandemic ravaging the world. A national lockdown. An utterly despairing situation and above all, more time on our hands than we ever bargained for. Suddenly, dragging your hair while crying seems like the only lane to take, because hey, you can’t cope with the boredom that seems bent on choking you.
Well, cry no more because we are here to save the day. With these 5 easy steps, you never have to remember the word “boredom” again;
Who says you have to stop working because you are confined to your home? The pandemics may be keeping you indoors, but it does not have to keep you unproductive as well. Convert a room or space in your home into an office and furnish it with as much basic office furniture as you could possibly lay your hands on. Communicate with your supervisors and have them send you work assignments with deadlines that you can do virtually. As soon as they send any, start up and keep to the deadline, submit and request for another. By working albeit virtually, this period will be over before you know it and you can return to your physical workplace.
Another sure way of coping with boredom is to learn a new skill. What are those skills you’ve always wanted to learn, but never got around to learning it because of lack of time? Well, now is the time to dig up that list again. Alternatively, you can consider taking online courses/training and getting certified for it. Most of these courses are free and accommodating enough to meet your convenience. Another upside to learning any skill this period is that it can be really helpful to your career growth post-COVID-19. Some of the reputable websites that offer free courses include; Alison, FutureLearn, Udemy e.t.c.
The world is in chaos but there is still a secret paradise left for readers to escape with an hour during reading. What better way to unwind and escape from life’s troubles than with a pile of amazing book collections, a plate of cookies and a glass of wine/juice/milk to sip on. Don’t have a book collection to read yet? Scott H Young’s article on “My Best Book Recommendations” can give you a headstart on what to read.
It is so easy to miss family dinners, prayers, occasions and even celebration in a bid to have a successful career. One upside of your home confinement is that you no longer have to commute to work and so can make up for lost times. Now is the best time to create lasting memories with your family. Have that sex talk or education with your teen. Read bedtime stories to your toddlers. Eat meals together as a family. Do those house chores together with everyone pitching in. Set up a dancing arena and tutor your kids on how to waltz or dance salsa.
Games like Chess, Scrabble, Ludo et.c are there for your family’s entertainment, so use it. Organize and participate in family puzzles, cooking, reading, exercising and dancing competitions. It is a season of new things, so why not try some new things out with your family?
With so many distractions around (for instance, the kids who are always indoors and underway or even the numerous recipes you have to try out), it is easy to lose sight of your fitness goals. While stuffing your face full with every high calorific meal that you can think of, remember to sweat it out every day, so you doing gain too much weight. It would be a ridiculously funny and saddening scenario if your colleagues do not recognize you the first day you return to work after the lockdown, due to near-obesity. Make it a habit to eat healthy foods and exercise every day.
This is a hard period and there is no debating that fact. It is okay to do whatever pleases your heart this period, even if it means rolling in bed all day in your pajama shorts and shirt. Do not feel pressured to keep up with anybody that you end up being dragged into depression. Everyone has his/her threshold and that doesn’t make you less than you are. The act of being alive in these hard times is a skill on its own, so do not feel compelled to take on courses or learn new skills when you know you are just a few steps from buckling under the sheer exhaustion of this pandemic. Pulling through this alive should be your main priority and you can best do this by staying indoors and safe in order to flatten the curve.
Don’t forget to comment, like and share this post if you found it useful. It may be just the post your loved ones need to read in order to cope with boredom.
Read Also: Managing Your Stress Levels During the Pandemic.