2020 is around the corner. For some of us, 2019 may not have fully lived up to the expectations we had of it. Just like the next person, you started the year 2019 with much hope, zeal and dreams. But towards the middle of the year, this hope started to dwindle as you look and figure that there is no possible way you would achieve all that you set out to before the end of the year.
Well, the year is coming to an end now. 2020 is around the corner. Your heart is thumping from a combination of fear for the year 2020 and an uncontrollable, yet unwilling hope for a better 2020. If this is you; you’ve found yourself wondering in the past few days, weeks or months what you could have done better to have had a fulfilling 2019; if you ever felt shortchanged and less than the best in this year; then this article is for you. With these five simple ways, you can have a bigger and better 2020.
We all have heard that phrase “dream big” one too many times in our lives. Where dreaming big is good, achieving it is more important. Most would agree it can be a strenuous task especially if such a big dream. To live your dreams, it is important you break your dreams into little steps that you can take each day. Do not wait for the big break. Rather, a step a day will take you faster to your destination. Do you have a land and plan to build a house? Rather than wait for the day you make huge money, you can start by moulding a block a day.
Do you desire a vacation in a luxurious city? Do not wait till the vacation month comes before making plans. Calculate the amount needed, divide by the number of days you have before the month and pay in that amount each day into a separate account for. Career-wise, the same principle applies. Aiming for a promotion? There are basic and perhaps new skills that your intended promotion requires. Start by jotting habits, skills and certifications required. Break them down into simpler forms and take a step each day.
With a fairly (or even high) paying job, a family to tend and friends to hang out with; one may consider learning a new skill an irrelevant task. Well, up until you start eyeing a higher position that requires you having some twenty-first century skills that you’ve never made efforts to learn. Truth is, you do not need to wait until you are due for a promotion to acquire new skills or hobby. Learning, on its own, is a beneficial act that allows you to grow beyond limits and opens you up to unexpected opportunities. The Top 7 Benefits of Learning a New Skill by CCSU Continuing Education gives you all the reasons you need to learn a new skill in 2020.
A BOOK A MONTH in 2020 –
Reading is usually a pastime that is easily lost on the busy career person. But the thing about reading is that it makes you more knowledgeable about life. It plays an integral role in developing our intelligence, as well as in honing our problem-solving skills and analytical skills. In the hustle and bustle of life, one may find that dedicating the time required for reading a book a month may be difficult. An easy way to overcome this is to always preselect a book before the proposed month of read and then read a chapter every two-three days. It will amaze you how much impact this culture will have in your life.
A host of us really do not like the hassles that come with socializing. From picking the right clothes and accessories to wear, to actually know the art of networking and what to say at these social events; it can be too much for the average person especially if introverted. However, networking is as important as the word “important”. Opportunities would hardly come looking for you in your apartment. No, it would rather wait at public places for those interested to pick up. Your next client could be at that charity event which you’ve been invited to, but have turned down and obtusely termed it “a stuck-up event for the rich”. Your contact for that next big contract could be at that big trade fair which you refused to attend because “hey, you can’t be bothered over small things like that, right?” Well, guess what? You are at the losing end and until you realize this and make amends, you might continue to miss out on bigger opportunities. SBBC summarizes the benefits of networking in an article titled Five Benefits of Networking
VOLUNTEER YOUR 3Ts in 2020 –
Have you heard about the 3Ts? It refers to Time, Treasure and Talent. Whenever volunteering comes up in a discussion, people mostly think about it in monetary terms. This notion is purely wrong, as one do not always have to volunteer time and talent, asides treasure. There are numerous benefits to volunteering. Some of them included increasing job prospects, credibility and opportunity to network. In the 15 Unexpected Benefits of Volunteering That Will Inspire You, the Balance SMB summarizes the various benefits associated to volunteering.