The power look… Have you ever been in an environment before where a woman walked in, and suddenly all voices became hushed, the air appeared still and all eyes seemed magnetically drawn to her?...
Introvert or extrovert we know networking is a must for any professional to advance and move quickly up the career helps you get more leads and find new customers as a businesswoman or...
When we talk of a standard wardrobe, we think of all those essential items that must be hanging ready and waiting in our closets for day-to-day attire. They are accessories we can’t do without...
Aesthetics play a prominent role in our professional life, more than we are wont to acknowledge. The saying that “You are addressed the way you are dressed”. Has never been as true as it...
We have just said goodbye to the first month of the fourth quarter and before you know it,the end of what I call a tremendous year will come. However, before the end finally appears,...
Are you afraid of relocation when it comes to your career? You see, when I was a little girl, fear was one instrument my parents unconsciously deployed to put me in check. Before you blame...
Every year, Scientists come up with countless new discoveries to have in the market and make our lives stress-free, faster and luxurious. The past ten years haven’t been much different. In fact, it boasts...
Imagine what life would be without female scientists! Yes, female scientist. Imagine wearing undergarments produced by a man who absolutely has little to no idea what comfortable undergarments actually means in a female’s dictionary!...
PERSONALITY AND WORKPLACE CULTURE This summer I headed with my family to Japan on vacation. Once we made known our destination to the kids, we got different reactions from them. My daughter delved into...
Imposter syndrome refers to a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. Down to the basics; In our society,...