How does science play a role in your career growth? To be able to wake up to the glory of this morning, I can imagine you slept for a few hours last night; most...
TOP 5 FACTORS TO CONSIDER BEFORE YOU INVEST Investment opportunities abound, but choosing the right investment for one’s self could prove a difficult and undesirable task for some. In our previous posts, Doing away...
Debt is a common phenomenon in our present generation and age. Living a debt-free life can be seen as an ambitious goal. It doesn’t help that modernization has made borrowing so easy for everyone...
How do you get Career visibility? I recently heard about a colleague who was upset because someone else got credit for the project she put in so much work to execute. When I probed...
With the fluctuating economy, investing and savings are two cultures that one needs to engage in to easily attain financial stability, while creating the wealth that would allow one to live the kind of...
For most of us, investment is a scary word. It also comes with all other scary descriptive words such as “complexity”, “risky”, “intimidating”, “crashing”, “unpredictable” etcetera. It doesn’t help that most of us know...
Life is not a walk in the park’ is a common adage that comes to mind when things get though. Career Challenges are real. No matter what stage you are in your career journey,...
Financial stability is one compound word that the average person knows about, understands the meaning, dreams of, but most often finds it near unrealistic to achieve. How do I mean? Globally, it is not...
The Entertainment Industry is most often viewed as a magical ground, where all dreams come true, with lots of money and fun to go round. But the truth is, besides the glitz and glamour...
A recent survey by InHerSight showed that ‘seven in ten women are looking to change careers’ and ‘the need for more pay (32 percent), followed by the desire to find a career with a...