1.Sheena Allen (@whoisSheena) Entrepreneur & Founder of Sheena Allen Apps & Insta Funds Learn when to ask for help. “My biggest career mistake in my 20s was thinking that I could do it all...
The holidays ought to be put to good use other than sleeping it off and whiling away time. You will be surprised at the kind of progress you can make if you put...
Climbing up the corporate ladder is a dream everyone nurtures. Sadly, not a lot of women get to make this climb as fast as they should. Let’s look at how you can get that...
A lot of women and indeed both sexes still struggle with interviews. Many leave with the feeling of having aced the interview but never get the callback. Sometimes this could be due to...
It is a fast moving world we live in today and every person and woman indeed, needs to have certain skills to stay ahead of the pack. Below are skills every millennial woman needs...
It’s a no-brainer that getting a university degree is not enough. Especially in this male-dominated world, women have to do the extra to stand out from the competition and secure that dream job. Below...
“It easy !!” We know that. Then why are lots of people suffering from work triggered stress? Sometimes stress from work spills into our lives at home and end up carrying that stress home,...
A lot of women are of the opinion that they are not being respected and treated as fairly as their male counterparts at work. Yes, this is a real issue and as much as...
Many times we worry, thinking sex and career do not mix. However, a bad day at work can affect how you act at work, and vice versa. In the same vein, having a good...
A lot of women are unaware of their power and the potentials they have inside them. Nature has blessed women and equipped them with certain traits which will give them a strong edge over...